With a strong history of collaboration, PICTURE gathers an experienced and complementary consortium - with a strong history of collaboration - with two academic actors (CEA-LETI & Mines Saint-Etienne) and two world-wide industrial partners (STMicroelectronics & IDEMIA).
The project is coordinated by Pierre-Alain MOËLLIC (CEA-LETI).
CEA Tech is CEA’s technology research unit develops a broad portfolio of technologies particularly for ICTs and security. Associated to CEA-LETI (Grenoble) the Laboratory of Secured Object and Physical System (LSOSP) is colocated at Grenoble and Gardanne. At Gardanne, the team takes benefit from a vast cluster of academic and industrial partners and is a joint team with Mines Saint-Etienne. The team is currently involved in several programs (Fr, EU) developing its recognized expertise in secure integrated circuits against physical attacks and secure complex systems with HW and SW requirements.
Participation: Led by Pierre-Alain Moëllic and Simon Pontié, CEA-LETI is the coordinator and participates in all the WPs with a main scientific focus on optimal embedding of neural network, algorithmic attacks and defenses and fault injection analysis for integrity threats.
Mines Saint-Etienne (MSE). Research takes place in the Secured Architecture and Systems (SAS) department of the Centre Microélectronique de Provence (CMP, Gardanne). The team has a strong experience in the design and the characterization of circuits and systems on chips with leading equipment dedicated to physical analysis (side-channel and fault injection). The team works closely with CEA in many projects related to secure integrated circuits.
Participation: Led by Jean-Max Dutertre and Olivier Potin, MSE proposes its expertise in physical attacks on complex platforms, the exploitation of side-channel leakages and the fault injection technics. As the leader of WP3. MSE also suggests and evaluates the impact of defense strategies.