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Published on 3 May 2021

> PICTURE consortium gathered on 5th February 2021 for a virtual kick-off meeting.
> PICTURE will be present at the 7th IEEE World Forum on IoT with two accepted publications.
> PICTURE will be present at the INNS/IEEE IJCNN 2021 with an accepted publication. 
  • > Consortium starts working on the State-of-the-Art and Threat Modeling activities with a first public delivrable planned for July 2021.
  • > PICTURE will be present at CARDIS 2022 with an oral presentation by Raphaël Joud on (parameters) model extraction and side-channel analysis
  • > PICTURE will be present at IEEE IOLTS 2022 with a paper from Kevin Hector about evaluating Bit-Flip-Attack​
  • > PICTURE will be present at ESORICS 2023 (SECAI workshop)​ with a paper on model extraction with a Safe Error Attack
    • > Best Paper Award for Kevin HECTOR at ESORICS / SECAI Workshop 
  • > PICTURE will be present at SafeComp 2023 with our work on Laser Fault Injection against embedded DNN
  • > PICTURE will be present at CARDIS 2023 with a paper from Raphaël Joud on architecture extraction and side-channel analysis
  • > PICTURE will be present at DSD 2023 (AHSA special session) with the impact of instruction skip on DNN inference 
  • > PhD defense of Raphaël Joud (January 2024, CMP, Gardanne). Congrats !
  • > PICTURE will be present at ANR WISG Workshop (Rennes, 14-15 mars 2024)
  • > PhD defense of Kevin Hector is planned : 12 September 2024 (CMP, Gardanne)
  • > PICTURE ends on 31st July 2024, please check our dissemination page for more information of what we did !

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